Recipes for the Paleo Diet
By eating foods provided by mother nature, foods that were available to our hunter gatherer ancestors, foods which are basic to our biology and our digestive system, you can begin to experience these wonderful results in your health, and many more!

As you will soon find out, thousands of people have followed the paleo diet using the same ingredients i have used within the Paleo Cookbooks and have achieved greater results in their health and well-being than ever before.

I want to tell you straight off the bat that the paleo diet is not a diet designed by diet doctors, faddists, or nutritionists; it is a diet designed by nature. It is not the latest weight loss program a diet that leaves you craving tasty foods or a new fad for increasing your energy... The paleo diet is a diet that gets your body healthy - all the positive results simply fall into place.

  • Increased Energy
  • Increased Sex Drive
  • Clearer, Smoother Skin
  • Weight Loss Results
  • Better Performance and Recovery
  • Stronger Immune System
The paleo diet is a natural, utterly-simple way of eating that promotes dramatic health benefits and weight loss results you will never achieve from any other diet, weight loss program or fad diet you have or haven't yet come across.

When you consume foods we as humans have evolved to eat, while simultaneously eliminating the over processed sugar laden foods now linked to causing the many diseases we are faced with in society today, your body will be provided with the pure nutrition that will assist in normalizing your body weight.

You and I are designed to eat and live off the land, to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and animals - this is the ultimate secret (which isn't really a secret) to optimal health, losing weight and staying lean.

Recipes for the Paleo Diet - Two Cookbooks - 120 Recipes Each!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rapid Weight Loss on the Palaeolithic Diet

For those of you who want to lose weight fast, but in a safe and
effective way, the Palaeolithic Diet has a lot going for it. The
book, by Dr Loren Cordain explains that the human genome has
changed very little in the last 40 thousand years, and that we
are essentially Stone Age people living in a modern world. He
further states that we really should be easting a diet based on
that of our ancestors, and not the carbohydrate packed, refined
and processed foods we currently consume.

Wheat for example, has only been eaten in its cultivated form
for around 10 thousand years, since the first farms sprung up in
the Middle East. Humans have not adapted to consume these
products and they do little for our general health and fitness,
and in many cases, do us significant harm, in terms of obesity
and related illnesses.

The Paleo Diet advocates a diet rich in lean protein, fresh
vegetable, nuts, and fruit, similar to the diet our ancient
ancestors would have eaten on a daily basis. The great thing
about the diet is that it does allow 'cheat meals', perhaps one
a week if you are needing to lose significant amounts of weight,
and up to 2 or 3 if you are just in weight maintenance mode.

The diet does not include grains, pulses, or dairy, but having
been on it for a few months; I really grew to enjoy it. I ate a
lot of stir fries, salads, sea foods, and lean meats. Once one
gets into the swing of things, it really is a delightfully
effective diet. The extra protein satiates your appetite
wonderfully, so you are never hungry. The gradual, but
consistent weight loss is very rewarding, and you should be able
to reach a lean, athletic weight in a matter of a few months.
And all this without the awful tedium and hunger pangs of
traditional diets. Give it a try; you'll be pleased you did.

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