Recipes for the Paleo Diet
By eating foods provided by mother nature, foods that were available to our hunter gatherer ancestors, foods which are basic to our biology and our digestive system, you can begin to experience these wonderful results in your health, and many more!

As you will soon find out, thousands of people have followed the paleo diet using the same ingredients i have used within the Paleo Cookbooks and have achieved greater results in their health and well-being than ever before.

I want to tell you straight off the bat that the paleo diet is not a diet designed by diet doctors, faddists, or nutritionists; it is a diet designed by nature. It is not the latest weight loss program a diet that leaves you craving tasty foods or a new fad for increasing your energy... The paleo diet is a diet that gets your body healthy - all the positive results simply fall into place.

  • Increased Energy
  • Increased Sex Drive
  • Clearer, Smoother Skin
  • Weight Loss Results
  • Better Performance and Recovery
  • Stronger Immune System
The paleo diet is a natural, utterly-simple way of eating that promotes dramatic health benefits and weight loss results you will never achieve from any other diet, weight loss program or fad diet you have or haven't yet come across.

When you consume foods we as humans have evolved to eat, while simultaneously eliminating the over processed sugar laden foods now linked to causing the many diseases we are faced with in society today, your body will be provided with the pure nutrition that will assist in normalizing your body weight.

You and I are designed to eat and live off the land, to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and animals - this is the ultimate secret (which isn't really a secret) to optimal health, losing weight and staying lean.

Recipes for the Paleo Diet - Two Cookbooks - 120 Recipes Each!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rapid Weight Loss on the Palaeolithic Diet

For those of you who want to lose weight fast, but in a safe and
effective way, the Palaeolithic Diet has a lot going for it. The
book, by Dr Loren Cordain explains that the human genome has
changed very little in the last 40 thousand years, and that we
are essentially Stone Age people living in a modern world. He
further states that we really should be easting a diet based on
that of our ancestors, and not the carbohydrate packed, refined
and processed foods we currently consume.

Wheat for example, has only been eaten in its cultivated form
for around 10 thousand years, since the first farms sprung up in
the Middle East. Humans have not adapted to consume these
products and they do little for our general health and fitness,
and in many cases, do us significant harm, in terms of obesity
and related illnesses.

The Paleo Diet advocates a diet rich in lean protein, fresh
vegetable, nuts, and fruit, similar to the diet our ancient
ancestors would have eaten on a daily basis. The great thing
about the diet is that it does allow 'cheat meals', perhaps one
a week if you are needing to lose significant amounts of weight,
and up to 2 or 3 if you are just in weight maintenance mode.

The diet does not include grains, pulses, or dairy, but having
been on it for a few months; I really grew to enjoy it. I ate a
lot of stir fries, salads, sea foods, and lean meats. Once one
gets into the swing of things, it really is a delightfully
effective diet. The extra protein satiates your appetite
wonderfully, so you are never hungry. The gradual, but
consistent weight loss is very rewarding, and you should be able
to reach a lean, athletic weight in a matter of a few months.
And all this without the awful tedium and hunger pangs of
traditional diets. Give it a try; you'll be pleased you did.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Is Saturated Fat Evil, or Not So Bad After All?

The myths, lies, and misconceptions about saturated fat and your health.

by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer

I've written many times in the last couple years about the mistaken beliefs in society about saturated fat and the false perception in the media AND with MOST health professionals that saturated fat is bad for you.

If you've seen in some of my articles, I've even showed you why saturated fat can even be GOOD for you in some cases, despite every health/fitness professional in the world just accepting the false belief that it's bad for you.

Note - I'm NOT saying that an "Atkins style" diet is good for you! Atkins is NOT a healthy or balanced way to eat! Atkins typically promotes processed meats full of nitrates, nitrites, excess salt, and imbalanced omega-6 to omega-3 ratios (since most grocery store meats are grain fed and not raised in a healthy manner). Also, Atkins plans typically have a lack of many other important food groups, nutrients, and antioxidants.

Rather, what you'll see in this article, is that saturated fat is a perfectly natural part of the human diet and has been for eternity... it is NOT the evil demon it has been made out to be!

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised to FINALLY see a big name publisher have some guts to publish an article about why everyone in the world may be wrong about their beliefs about saturated fat.

I picked up a new issue of Men's Health magazine over the weekend, and they have a huge 6-page article in there about the faulty research in the past about saturated fat, and some new emerging research that is showing why it may actually be more good for you than you would believe.

I've got to give them credit... the article was VERY well researched and put together beautifully to summarize where the studies in the past have gone wrong, and why recent studies are showing that everyone may have been wrong for the last 5 decades about saturated fat.

I'd highly suggest you read the entire article if you can. If not, I'm going to try to give you a quick summary of the findings here since it was a long article...

The "Fact" that saturated fat is bad for your health has never been proven by legitimate studies

First of all, did you realize that although doctors, nutritionists, fitness professionals, and the media all have told you that it's a FACT that saturated fats are bad for you, this "FACT" has actually never been proven!

It's actually not a "fact" at all. It was a hypothesis! This goes all the way back to a flawed research study from the 1950's where a guy named Ancel Keys published a paper that laid the blame on dietary fat intake for the increasing heart disease phenomenon.

However, there were major flaws to his study. For one, in his conclusions he only used data from a small portion of the countries where data was available on fat consumption vs heart disease death rate. When researches have gone back in and looked at the data from all of the countries, there actually was no link between fat consumption and heart disease deaths. So his conclusions were actually false.

Second, his blaming of fat intake for heart disease was only one factor that was considered. There was no consideration of other factors such as smoking rates, stress factors, sugar intake, exercise frequency, or other lifestyle factors.

Basically, his conclusions which blamed heart disease deaths on fat intake were really just a shot in the dark about what a possible cause may have been, even though all of those other factors I just mentioned, plus many others, may be the bigger cause.

Unfortunately, Keys study has been cited for over 5 decades now as "fact" that saturated fat is bad for you. As you can see, there certainly is nothing factual about it.

Since that time, numerous other studies have been conducted trying to link saturated fat intake to heart disease. The majority of these studies have failed to correlate ANY risk at all from saturated fat. A couple of them made feeble attempts at linking saturated fat to heart disease, however, it was later shown that in those studies, the data was flawed as well.

Another issue with flawed studies is that many studies have lumped artificial trans fat intake together with saturated fat intake, and mistakenly laid the blame on saturated fat despite the overwhelming evidence that artificial trans fat is the REAL health risk. This is a HUGE mistake as there is a vast difference in how your body processes nasty artificially created trans fats vs the perfectly natural saturated fats that have been part of the human diet since the beginning of man.

Do we actually have evidence that saturated fat may actually be good for you instead?

Well, let's consider a few examples...

Did you know that there are several well known tribes in Africa... the Masai, Samburu, and Fulani tribes... where their diet consists mostly of raw (unpasteurized) whole milk, tons of red meat, and cows blood? The typical members of these tribes eat 5x the average amount of saturated fat compared to overweight, disease-ridden Americans.

Despite their very high saturated fat intake, they display extremely low body fat levels, and heart disease to natives of the tribe is virtually non-existant.

Now most critics of this example will say that it must be related to superior genetics... however this is false, as when they studied tribesman who had moved out of their native lands and started eating more modern day diets, their blood chemistry skyrocketed with heart disease risk factors.

This is true of certain pacific island countries inhabitants as well. Several studies have shown that certain pacific island nations had VERY high intakes of total fat as well as saturated fat from tropical fats such as palm, coconut, and cocoa. Tropical plants in general have naturally higher levels of saturated fats in their tissues due to the warmer climate.

Despite super-high intakes of saturated fat, these island natives were typically very lean and heart disease was virtually non-existant. However, when researchers followed up with islanders that had moved away from their native island and adopted a typical western diet, the heart disease risk factors were through the roof. Hmm, once again, another example of people that started eating LESS saturated fat and more processed western foods and INCREASED their heart disease factors.

In fact, did you know that although saturated fat intake does increase your LDL bad cholesterol, it actually increases your HDL good cholesterol even further, hence improving your overall cholesterol ratio, which has been proven to be more important that just total cholesterol level (actually total cholesterol is an almost useless number... inflammation is the REAL problem, but that's a whole different topic).

Another fact worth noting in favor of saturated fat...

Saturated fat is comprised of various different types... the 3 most common types are stearic acid, palmitic acid, and lauric acid.

Stearic acid is found in animal fat and cocoa in higher levels. Research continues to show that stearic acid has no negative impacts on heart disease risks. If anything, it's either neutral or beneficial. In fact, your liver breaks down stearic acid into a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, which is the same type of fat that makes up most of heart-healthy olive oil. Bet you didn't know that!

Lauric acid is beneficial as well. Not only has it been shown to increase your HDL good cholesterol levels significantly, but it is also lacking in most Americans diet and has even been shown to have some powerful immune-boosting effects potentially. It is even being studied currently in HIV/AIDS research to help improve immune function in patients.

Tropical oils such as coconut and palm are the best sources of the healthy saturated fat - lauric acid.

Palmitic acid is the other main component of saturated fat and has also been shown to increase HDL good cholesterol to the same, if not greater extent than LDL bad cholesterol, thereby making it either neutral or beneficial, but certainly not bad for you.

So, if all of these researchers have tried so hard over the years to point the finger at saturated fat, but have continued to fail to show a correlation between saturated fat and heart disease risk, what are the REAL culprits for heart disease?

Well, here are the REAL causes of heart disease risk:

  • Trans fats (artificially hydrogenated oils)... see my previous Trans Fats article here for a full explanation
  • Heavily refined vegetable oils such as soy, cottonseed, corn oil, etc. (inflammatory inside the body, and typically throw the omega-6/omega-3 balance out of whack...remember, inflammation is the REAL cause of heart disease, NOT dietary saturated fat or cholesterol). Read more about healthy cooking oils vs unhealthy cooking oil
  • Too much refined sugar in the diet (including high fructose corn syrup)
  • Too much refined carbohydrates such as white bread, low fiber cereals, etc
  • Smoking
  • Stressful lifestyle
  • Lack of exercise
  • Other lifestyle factors

So why does it seem that so many attempts over the years have tried to lay the blame on saturated fat... do you think it might have anything to do with the muli-billion dollar vegetable oil industry, which has taken over for cooking oils for what used to be mostly animal fats and tropical oils in decades past...

hmm... do multi-billion dollar industries really have an influence on the way data is portrayed to the public? Of course they do! And don't even get me started on the cholesterol meds industry! Again, I digress.

I hope this article has opened your eyes about the truth about saturated fat and how you've been misled over the years.

The true FACT is that saturated fat is a neutral substance in your body, and even beneficial at times, not a deadly risk factor for disease. The REAL risk factors are what I listed above.

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Paleo Cookbook - The Ultimate Resource for the Paleo Diet

By: Joseph Allan

More people everyday are adopting what is called the Paleolithic
or Paleo Diet. This is due to its simplicity and, more
importantly, its dramatic effect on a person's health. The Paleo
Diet is NOT a fad diet but a diet that reflects the natural
eating habits of our distant ancestors and current
hunter-gatherer groups.

Research shows that primitive cultures from the past were
healthier than we are today. They were stronger and leaner than
we are. Their eating focused on meat, fish, fruits, vegetables,
nuts and berries. Those foods are what we are genetically
designed to consume. Looking at it in terms of proteins,
carbohydrates, and fats, their daily intake was about 33% of
each. Today, about 50% of our intake is carbohydrates while only
15% is protein. That's right - it really is all about the carbs!

Our ancestors did NOT eat grains and dairy and, of course, they
did not have processed foods to tempt them. It is believed by
many scientists and cultures around the world that those foods
are causing us to be fat, less healthy, and more susceptible to
disease. The problem for us is that it is so easy to overeat
processed carbs. Have you ever eaten a whole container of ice
cream or a whole bag of chips? Try overeating fresh broccoli or
baked chicken breast... not quite as easy.

The Paleo Cookbook, written by Nikki Young, is really the only
comprehensive cookbook that truly does a wonderful job
presenting many Paleo diet recipes. It is the best Paleo
cookbook hands down! It consists of two cookbooks and over
two-hundred recipes. What is especially powerful about the Paleo
Cookbook is that is also serves as a gluten-free cookbook, a
dairy-free cookbook, and a preservative-free cookbook.

Let's be honest. At first glance, the foods available to the
Paleo Diet seem boring and tasteless. But, they really don't
have to be and that's what the Paleo Cookbook so effectively
accomplishes. It is chock full of a wide variety of tasty
recipes for appetizers, soups, salads, snacks, entrees, and even

If you are looking for a optimizing your health, getting
stronger, losing weight and maximizing your energy levels, the
is exactly what you need.

What you just learned about The Paleo Cookbook is just the
beginning. To get the full story and all the details, check us
out at the Paleo Cookbook site today.

About the author:
Joseph Allan The
Paleo Cookbook
Get it today!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Paleo Cookbook Provides a Simple Path to Paleo Diet Success

By: Joseph Allan

Research indicates that primitive cultures from our past were
healthier than we are today. In general, they were stronger,
leaner, and less susceptible to disease. They exclusively ate
the foods readily available to them: meat, fish, fruits,
vegetables, nuts and berries. The Paleo Cookbook and its recipes
focus on those foods which bodies were genetically designed to

In terms of protein, carbohydrates, and fat, the Paleo Diet is
divided by about one-third each. Today, our eating habits
consist of about 50% carbohydrates and only 15% protein. Like
most diets in the last 20 years, carbs are certainly the pivot
point. Notice that grains and dairy and, of course, processed
foods are NOT on the list of foods our distant ancestors ate.
Scientists and cultures around the world believe that those
foods are the reason we have an obesity problem (at least in the
western culture).

The Paleo Cookbook, written by Nikki Young, is really the only
cookbook that truly does a compresensive job supporting the
Paleo diet with so many different recipes. It actually is a set
of two cookbooks with over two-hundred recipes. Because of the
composition of the Paleo Diet, the Paleo Cookbook also serves as
a gluten-free cookbook, a dairy-free cookbook, and a
preservative-free cookbook.

At first, you might think the Paleo Diet offers nothing but
boring and tasteless meals. On the contrary, it is loaded with a
wide variety of delicious recipes for appetizers, snacks,
entrees, and even desserts!

If you are into the Paleo Diet for getting stronger, losing
weight and maximizing your energy levels, then the HREF="">Paleo
Cookbook is a fundamental resource you can't go without.

About the author:
Joseph Allan The
Paleo Cookbook
Get it today!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Healthy Snacks From the Paleo Diet

By: Maire Brody

If you are not familiar with the paleo diet, also known as the
paleolithic, caveman or Stone Age diet, it is based on how
humans ate before the Agricultural Revolution. It's a
recreation, as much as possible in the modern world, of the
hunter-gatherer's diet.

When it comes to looking for healthy snacks, and snacks that are
not fattening, there is no better place to look than the paleo
diet, which rules out many junk foods typical of most snacks,
such as refined sugar and grains. There are even no potatoes
allowed in the paleo diet, so you can forget about potato chips!

In fact, even if you don't strictly follow the paleo diet, you
may want to seriously consider adopting it for your snack
regimen. It can really make a big improvement in your eating
habits, energy levels throughout the day and caloric intake.
Let's look at some of the paleo-friendly snacks we can start
consuming as substitutes for the less healthy ones we are so
used to.

Fresh Fruit -it is no mystery that fruit is healthy, but many
people seldom eat it. Incidentally, fresh fruit is better in
most cases than juice because even unsweetened fruit juice is
highly concentrated and you may be getting more sugar and
calories than you realize. With fresh fruit, you will tend to
consume it in moderation. Of course, there is also the fact that
when you eat whole foods you get the entire nutritional content
of that food instead of just part of it. Remember, cavemen did
not have juicers!

Salad & Vegetables- greens always make a healthy snack. You can
mix up any kind of salad and veggie combination you like. Just
watch what kind of dressing you use, for these often contain
lots of sugar, sodium and calories. It's best to use oil and
vinegar or all natural dressings. Try making tahini dressing.
This is easily made from tahini paste (which is crushed sesame
seeds), water and either lemon juice or vinegar. You can also
add sea salt and garlic to taste.

Dried Nuts & Fruits - also sold as trail mix. Try to get organic
dried fruit and nuts, though any all natural mix is good. Okay,
maybe cavemen did not eat trail mix either, but this is still a
healthy way to consume these nutritious foods. Nuts are very
high in protein and healthy fats. Peanuts are the least healthy
of nuts, so try to stick to other nuts such as almonds, walnuts
and cashews.

Chip Alternatives- you can now find healthy snacks that are
alternatives to things like potato chips and pretzels. These are
usually vegetable based chips. Sea veggie chips can be quite
tasty and have many essential minerals. There are also chips
made from fruits such as banana, plantain and mango.

These are just a few healthy snack ideas that are consistent
with a paleo diet. For more ideas, check out the href="">Paleo
Diet Cookbooks.

About the author:
Maire writes on many topics, from cultural issues to health and
weight loss.
Find out how you can prepare many healthy and delicious meals
with the href="">paleo diet.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Paleo Diet -Caveman Diet

By: Gail Mercedes

The Paleolithic people were nomadic people. During the
Paleolithic Period foods were eaten raw. They did not eat grains
or dairy products. Many grain were inedible raw. Additionally,
beans and potatoes were inedible. Grains, beans and potatoes
contain toxins eaten raw. Milk was not consumed during the
Paleolithic period because animal had not been domesticated. The
only sweetener was natural honey. For millions of years humans
ate meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruit, seeds, roots and
leaves of different plants. Some studies indicated the the
Paleolithic diet was one-half animal foods and the remainder
fruits, vegetables and nuts. Around 10,000 years ago, there was
a world changing discovery. The discovery was fire. Man
discovered cooking. Cooking these foods killed the toxins making
them edible. Cooking issued in the New Stone Age or the
Neolithic Period. In the beginning food was either roasted or
toasted. Roasting was limited to meats, nuts and a few grains.

After the Paleolithic period was the Neolithic period. The
Neolithic period ushered in agriculture and pottery. People were
able to stay and live in one place. People grew their own
grains. Pottery made cooking easier and foods could be
transported. Note, the Paleolithic people ate raw natural foods.
Cooking enabled man to increase their diet by making inedible
foods edible. Modern society has introduced processed foods and
additives. Additives and processed foods have their advantages
but it is well documented the negative health affects that
additives and preservatives has on our daily lives. The modern
Paleo Diet is back to nature and encourages the eating habits of
our ancestors. A leaner, healthier dairy free, casein free,
gluten free and preservatives free diet. The Paleolithic Diet
(abbreviated The Paleo Diet) Caveman Diet

The Paleolithic diet (abbreviated paleo diet) is recommended for
those that require a Gluten Free or Dairy Free diet. The Paleo
Diet is referred to as the Stone Age, Caveman or Hunter-Gatherer
diet. For million of years humans ate meat, fish, poultry,
vegetables, fruit, seeds, roots and leaves of different plants.
The modern Paleo diet contains foods originally eaten in man's
evolution. Paleo diet consists of fresh fruits, vegetables,
nuts, seeds, fish, poultry and lean meat. The modern Paleo diet
is gluten free, dairy free and preservative-free nutrition that
will improve and maintain optimal health. Over processed laden
foods are now linked to causing many diseases we are faced in
society today. Healthy and natural foods are the ultimate secret
to optimal health, losing weight and staying lean.

Discover How To Create Healthy And Tasty Meals In Your Own
Kitchen! The Paleo Diet is a natural and simple way of eating.
Enjoy the benefits of this wheat free, gluten free, dairy free,
casein free and preservative free recipes diet. href=""> Order The
Paleo Recipes Cookbooks For a collection of famous
restaurant copycat recipes href=" "> Order Favorite Recipe

About the author:
Famous restaurant copycat recipes and The Paleo Diet.

Paleo Cookbook is a Valuable Tool For Weight Training

By: Joseph Allan

The Paleo Diet is growing in popularity and many are now finding
that it is an effective diet for weight training. The Paleo
Cookbook the the weightlifter's best tool for maximizing the
benefits of the Paleo Diet.

To build muscle, you must eat relatively large amounts of
protein. Weightlifters know that protein is the fundamental
component of muscle. The Paleo Diet is considered a "low carb"
diet, so special consideration has to be made to allow for
enough carbohydrates provide energy for muscle-building
activities. Nonetheless, you still need to keep your carb intake
relatively low - at about 1/3 of your overall consumption. This
means you need to follow a diet higher in fat and protein -
again about 1/3 of your overall consumption each. That is what
the Paleo Diet is and what the Paleo Cookbook offers.

Eating this way will increase your metabolism and boost your
your energy levels. Not only will excess carbs prevent you from
getting as lean as you'd like, but also they cause your energy
level to crash. Foods to stay away from include grains, legumes,
and dairy. In particular, you should avoid the following foods:
bread, pasta, noodles, string beans, kidney beans, lentils,
peanuts, cashews, peas, potatoes, milk, butter, cream, sugar,
and salt.

You can and should eat these foods: meat, chicken, fish, eggs,
fruit, vegetables, walnuts, brazil nuts, macadamia, almonds,
strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. You should try even
harder to eat these less common, but very healthy, foods:
carrots, turnips, parsnips, rutabagas, liver and kidneys.

If you need an easy way to stay on the Paleo Diet and maximize
its effectiveness on your health and muscle-building, then make
the Paleo Cookbook your top-shelf resource for success.

Click here to learn more about the HREF="">Paleo

About the author:
Joseph Allan The
Paleo Cookbook
Get it today!