Recipes for the Paleo Diet
By eating foods provided by mother nature, foods that were available to our hunter gatherer ancestors, foods which are basic to our biology and our digestive system, you can begin to experience these wonderful results in your health, and many more!

As you will soon find out, thousands of people have followed the paleo diet using the same ingredients i have used within the Paleo Cookbooks and have achieved greater results in their health and well-being than ever before.

I want to tell you straight off the bat that the paleo diet is not a diet designed by diet doctors, faddists, or nutritionists; it is a diet designed by nature. It is not the latest weight loss program a diet that leaves you craving tasty foods or a new fad for increasing your energy... The paleo diet is a diet that gets your body healthy - all the positive results simply fall into place.

  • Increased Energy
  • Increased Sex Drive
  • Clearer, Smoother Skin
  • Weight Loss Results
  • Better Performance and Recovery
  • Stronger Immune System
The paleo diet is a natural, utterly-simple way of eating that promotes dramatic health benefits and weight loss results you will never achieve from any other diet, weight loss program or fad diet you have or haven't yet come across.

When you consume foods we as humans have evolved to eat, while simultaneously eliminating the over processed sugar laden foods now linked to causing the many diseases we are faced with in society today, your body will be provided with the pure nutrition that will assist in normalizing your body weight.

You and I are designed to eat and live off the land, to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and animals - this is the ultimate secret (which isn't really a secret) to optimal health, losing weight and staying lean.

Recipes for the Paleo Diet - Two Cookbooks - 120 Recipes Each!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Paleo Cookbook is a Valuable Tool For Weight Training

By: Joseph Allan

The Paleo Diet is growing in popularity and many are now finding
that it is an effective diet for weight training. The Paleo
Cookbook the the weightlifter's best tool for maximizing the
benefits of the Paleo Diet.

To build muscle, you must eat relatively large amounts of
protein. Weightlifters know that protein is the fundamental
component of muscle. The Paleo Diet is considered a "low carb"
diet, so special consideration has to be made to allow for
enough carbohydrates provide energy for muscle-building
activities. Nonetheless, you still need to keep your carb intake
relatively low - at about 1/3 of your overall consumption. This
means you need to follow a diet higher in fat and protein -
again about 1/3 of your overall consumption each. That is what
the Paleo Diet is and what the Paleo Cookbook offers.

Eating this way will increase your metabolism and boost your
your energy levels. Not only will excess carbs prevent you from
getting as lean as you'd like, but also they cause your energy
level to crash. Foods to stay away from include grains, legumes,
and dairy. In particular, you should avoid the following foods:
bread, pasta, noodles, string beans, kidney beans, lentils,
peanuts, cashews, peas, potatoes, milk, butter, cream, sugar,
and salt.

You can and should eat these foods: meat, chicken, fish, eggs,
fruit, vegetables, walnuts, brazil nuts, macadamia, almonds,
strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. You should try even
harder to eat these less common, but very healthy, foods:
carrots, turnips, parsnips, rutabagas, liver and kidneys.

If you need an easy way to stay on the Paleo Diet and maximize
its effectiveness on your health and muscle-building, then make
the Paleo Cookbook your top-shelf resource for success.

Click here to learn more about the HREF="">Paleo

About the author:
Joseph Allan The
Paleo Cookbook
Get it today!

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