Recipes for the Paleo Diet
By eating foods provided by mother nature, foods that were available to our hunter gatherer ancestors, foods which are basic to our biology and our digestive system, you can begin to experience these wonderful results in your health, and many more!

As you will soon find out, thousands of people have followed the paleo diet using the same ingredients i have used within the Paleo Cookbooks and have achieved greater results in their health and well-being than ever before.

I want to tell you straight off the bat that the paleo diet is not a diet designed by diet doctors, faddists, or nutritionists; it is a diet designed by nature. It is not the latest weight loss program a diet that leaves you craving tasty foods or a new fad for increasing your energy... The paleo diet is a diet that gets your body healthy - all the positive results simply fall into place.

  • Increased Energy
  • Increased Sex Drive
  • Clearer, Smoother Skin
  • Weight Loss Results
  • Better Performance and Recovery
  • Stronger Immune System
The paleo diet is a natural, utterly-simple way of eating that promotes dramatic health benefits and weight loss results you will never achieve from any other diet, weight loss program or fad diet you have or haven't yet come across.

When you consume foods we as humans have evolved to eat, while simultaneously eliminating the over processed sugar laden foods now linked to causing the many diseases we are faced with in society today, your body will be provided with the pure nutrition that will assist in normalizing your body weight.

You and I are designed to eat and live off the land, to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and animals - this is the ultimate secret (which isn't really a secret) to optimal health, losing weight and staying lean.

Recipes for the Paleo Diet - Two Cookbooks - 120 Recipes Each!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Paleo Diet: A Caveman Diet For Modern Times

Author: Maire Brody

Many people have heard of the paleo diet without really knowing
what it is. Also called the paleolithic, caveman or Stone Age
diet, it is, as the names suggest, a way of eating based on the
lifestyle of our long-ago ancestors. More specifically, the
paleo diet seeks to recreate the eating habits of before the
Agricultural Revolution, which was roughly 10,000 years ago.

Of course, such a diet is inevitably doing to be inexact. If you
think about it, you may wonder if even the smartest scientists
actually know with certainty what people ate that long ago.
There is some evidence, but also much speculation. For example,
we know that humans were mainly hunter-gatherers, but we don't
always know precisely what they hunted and gathered. Another
problem is that humans have evolved in different ways depending
on their native climates and other factors. Paleolithic humans
living near the Arctic Circle would have eaten very different
kinds of foods than those living in Hawaii.

Despite these apparent difficulties, the paleo diet is still a
surprisingly coherent and sensible one. This is largely due to
the fact that our modern, institutionalized food production
system has become so dependent on processed and artificial foods
that simply to return to a simpler time is automatically going
to be a big improvement! In other words, to return to the
previous example, you'd do a lot better eating like a typical
Eskimo or Hawaiian native (or South American native, African,
early European, etc.) than following the typical modern junk
food diet. So while experts may quibble about just what is and
isn't allowed in the paleo diet, if you would just try following
the basic guidelines, you would be eating much more nutritiously.

What are the basics of the paleo diet? Essentially, eat natural
meat, fish and eggs; dairy is more controversial, but a little
organic dairy is fine. When it comes to animal products, they
should be organic or grass (not corn) fed. These animal products
cover the "hunter" part of the equation. For the "gatherer"
half, we have nuts, fruits and vegetables. Vegetables, however,
do not include many relatively recent additions to the human
diet, such as potatoes. Refined sugar is also not allowed.
Perhaps the most radical aspect of this system is that it
excludes all grains. This means no bread, pasta or rice, which
are the staples of so many modern diets.

You may have noticed that the paleo diet does not conform to
many modern ideas about eating a low fat, even vegetarian diet.
In this way it is more in line with the findings of Weston
Price, another controversial researcher who also studied many
traditional people and found that some of them are perfectly
healthy while still eating high fat foods (though natural, not
the factory farmed kind we have in developed societies). In
fact, many of these "primitive" people have virtually none of
the degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and
diabetes that plague so many societies today. While Weston
Price's findings are not exactly the same as the paleo diet, the
two overlap in many areas.

Many people like the idea of trying the paleo diet, but wonder
what they are going to eat if they can't have bread, sugar or
pasta. It does require an open mind and a willingness to try a
new lifestyle. There are a couple of ways to approach this. You
could try it for a month and see how you feel. If you feel more
energetic and maybe lose some weight, as many people do, you
might want to continue with it.

There is something else to keep in mind with this or any diet:
if you can stick to a good diet 75% or so of the time, you will
gain most of the benefits that it has to offer. In other words,
if you adopt the paleo diet, you don't have to swear to never
again eat a portion of french toast, a slice of pizza or a bowl
of your favorite pasta. The point is that you can use something
like the paleo diet as a guiding principle. Then again, if you
are more of an "all or nothing" type person, and find you really
like it, then you can follow it 100% and gain all of the

The paleo diet is something that, once you seriously study it,
makes intuitive sense. The fact is, despite the "advances" of
modern life, many things such as food production are designed to
cheaply produce high volumes of products. In other words, the
focus is on quantity, not quality. Put still another way, if you
eat like a normal modern person, you are essentially eating an
institutionalized diet. The paleo diet is one authentic way to
choose something better for you and your family.

About the author:
Wondering what delicious meals you can make with the href="">paleo diet?
Check out this short href="">caveman
diet video.

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